msc Ewa Kisielewska

Mr. Ewa Kisielewska - graduate of Physiotherapy at the Jagiellonian University Medical College. Specializes in Pinotherapy, which is one of the most effective methods used in the treatment of pain, relieving the effects of injuries and treating scars, many orthopedic and neurological conditions. Thanks to her advanced knowledge in this field, she constantly cooperates with a doctor of aesthetic medicine and cosmetologists. In this collaboration, she also performs endermology, which allows our patients to get rid of cellulite and shape their figure. Due to her passion for her profession, she is constantly educating herself in the subject of various methods of therapy. She is particularly developing in the field of acupuncture. She is a committed and empathetic specialist. She focuses on comprehensive action and an individual approach to the patient, thanks to which she effectively conducts each therapy.
msc Ewa Kisielewska
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